Thursday, February 26, 2009

Not feeling good!

The previous two weeks of ministry have quite possibly been the most physically and emotionally challenging time I have had in ministry. What a blessing it has been to minister to these various families.

I don't know if it due to some exhaustion, contact with lots of people (should have never mentioned the hugging thing because many have now made it their mission in life to turn me into a huggermugger :) ) or if I am just plain sick. I have a nasty sore throat, ears popping, sinuses congested.

Please be praying for strength and health. Marion Imel would be proud of me this week. I said no to a funeral (John Cassidy covered it) and I am staying home today. Marion's mantra - "no is a Christian word!" Thanks Marion.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 7th of March at 7:30 am. I want to encourage you to invite someone to join you at P3 on the 7th. Prayer is not taught, it is caught and in order to catch it you must be near it! I know there are a number of corporate times of prayer available throughout the week. If you are not involved with one I want to STRONGLY encourage you to find one and give it a go. Try Fresh Encounter Thursday nights at 7:00 pm, join me for Sunday morning prayer at 6:15 am in the Bride's room. There are men who gather at the church on Monday and Tuesday mornings to pray, you can also participate in Powerhouse Prayer during either one of The Gatherings on Sunday morning. They meet in the staff kitchen and pray during the services.

As a note of encouragement, I wanted to let you know that I met with another pastor in town this week. He mentioned he had listened to a couple of my messages. He then asked something amazing. He asked "do you have people praying for you before and during the services?" It was great to say yes!

I am so grateful for your prayers, words of encouragement and how so many of you have just been pouring your love out to me and my family. I am truly grateful.

Pastor Jeremy
Matthew 20:28

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